Saturday, February 21, 2009

Instructions from Dr. Zibbs

I've been "instructed" by Dr. Zibbs not to reference his blog to anybody I know. Hmmmm, a few months ago he was begging me to introduce people to his Zibbdom. I guess he's gotten a little too big for his britches. I'll need to knock him down a few pegs by revealing few little know facts about him over the next several weeks.

He's over 6 feet tall, less than 7 feet tall.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sober House

I love Celebrity Rehab and now Sober House, how voyeuristic are these shows!? Reminds of many of the reasons why I stopped drinking. But that Dr. Drew sure is cute!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Da Birds

I've completely reversed my earlier opinion of the Eagles (as most of this area has) and fully expect them to be playing in the Super Bowl. Once the Super Bowl is over Spring can't be that far away.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The Eagles suck.... nuff said!

Holiday Stretch Armstrong

I made a firm decision when my kids were born that we were going to make one stop on the holidays, not try to visit both sides of the family. This has worked out quite well on my side, my in-laws aren't so practical. My mother-in-law feels she needs to see everyone on the "actual" holiday. For several years now they have stopped by our house about an hour before we are scheduled to leave for Christmas Eve mass, even though we've outlined our plans for the day. Last year I gave up being polite and let my husband visit with them while I was getting dressed for church. Of course, he was still buttoning up his shirt as we were pulling out of the driveway heading for church.

Thanksgiving has generally been a designated in-law holiday. We started eating early (1:00 p.m.) as my daughter has to work at 3:00 p.m. This has worked out well. We just have my parents and my mother-in-law and father-in-law. This year panic set in for my m-in-l because the first grandchild to go away for college would be returning for the holiday, as well as, the other sister-in-laws were not spending the day with their respective families. The word on the street is that they aren't too happy with this. So they will throw dinner down their throats at our house and then "just drop by" for dessert at the other in-law's house. Yeah right, I can feel my m-in-l twitching already as the panic sets in that something is happening at the other house that she's not a part of.

My son and I will also probably head to the other house for dessert. My husband, who is probably at the root of this traveling delemia, "just wants to stay home."

Tis the season.......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

In case your mom forgot to remind you, as mine had done previously for 35+ years..... we move our clocks back an hour tonight..... YIPPEE, an extra hour of sleep! She would generally call me and all my sibs to remind us, but our criticism about the reminders (afterall we're adults) prompted her to give up this habit a few years ago. I'm sure my bro's will be early for everything for at least the next day or two.